I've made the cast!!! What do I do next? Those accepting their roles must attend an orientation meeting on February 1st 2pm at Alamo City Arts Academy. A lot of information will be covered! Even if you have been in an Alamo City Dance Company production before, attendance is mandatory. Dancers under 18 must have a guardian present. At that time, you will receive a packet of information with costume needs, ticketing information, and a rehearsal schedule. If you accept your role(s) you must sign a waiver before you will be allowed to attend rehearsal. If there are extenuating circumstances and you cannot attend the orientation meeting, please call/text 210.369.8311 or email [email protected]. If you do not attend the orientation and do not contact Alamo City Arts in advanced, your parts will be released and re-assigned.
How many shows will I get to dance in? We only have one cast. If you are cast in a role, that is your role for all the performances. Alamo City Arts’ La Coppelia will be May 10th at Thiry Auditorium. All these productions will be with our resident symphony orchestra, Alamo City Symphony Viva. All performances are ticketed events and tickets must be purchased to attend.
My Schedule/availability has changed, what should I do? Please call/text 210.369.8311 or email [email protected] right away. We will try to work with the schedule you provide but please note we will not be able to accommodate everyone. Just as we stated at auditions, your availability to attend dress rehearsals and performances will affect your casting and placement on stage.
When do I rehearse?Rehearsals dates and times are dependent on roles you are cast in. A full schedule will be given at orientation, February 1st at 2pm. We rehearse Fridays 7-9pm and Saturdays 1-5pm. Some Sundays and Weekdays may be called closer to production.
What happens if I can't make a rehearsal?Rehearsal attendance is mandatory. In consideration for everyone's time, you will forfeit your part after 3 missed rehearsals.
What if I don't want all the parts I'm cast in? As stated at auditions, due to the large scale of our production, and your communicated availability, you may be cast in more than one role. It is Alamo City Arts’ policy that you accept all your roles or none of your roles. If there are extenuating circumstances and you feel you cannot meet the demands of your parts, we will be happy to work with you, however the Artistic staff will decide where to pull back on roles.
NOTE ON CASTING FROM THE DIRECTOR Hello Cast, Please remember that the cast and roles of this production are constantly evolving. We always welcome understudies because parts may change at anytime for any reason. Please also remember our production is original. Roles and choreography will be different from other productions we have done in the past as well as other productions in the city you may have participated in. If you have questions about your part(s) and what they entail please don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to seeing everyone again on February 1st 2pm. Sincerely, Katie R. Hall Artistic Director - Alamo City Dance Company Academy Director - Alamo City Arts Academy